#ISSACHECK: Get it then keep it moving! Reality check deposited to the bank!

Excuses, excuses & more excuses! Sometimes you just get tired of hearing them!

Sadly, they have become apart of life and quite the norm for some.

When I don't hear one it makes me question myself. Am I dealing with the wrong people?

It's not that bad off most days but some are like a prank gone wrong on the show boiling point. Sanity kicks in real quick and tells me to walk away slowly.

If you can relate raise your hand?! Did you just raise your hand? LMAO!

No worries I've done that before so you are not alone.

I do however find it strange that so many people these days feel let down and complacent with where they are in life.

Having too many expectations and no guidance is a sure ticket to have you feeling like shit. Let me break this down a bit further.

See, when you start expecting things from an individual, an organization or a situation you have given your power away. That power right there should be guarded with care. Giving that much power to a sole source of your life can be very detrimental.

Basically you are saying that I am not going to do shit because this other person will do it for me! When put that way I'm sure that you see the power in it.

Now that you have given your power away and given it all to whom ever promised you the world. What exactly are you doing for yourself now?

You are sitting there waiting for something to pop off for ya!

See, this is where you messed up.

You got comfortable with hearing their lies! Yup, you my dear officially got caught with ya pants down. The question is now. What are you going to do about it?

It does not feel good when someone catches you slipping. Especially when you know that you would've done the shit your damn self!

Now you have to go into damage control mode because you got comfortable.

How many times in your life have you done that? Too many times to count if you're in business. Yes, it's some snake out there so be careful.

Now the big question is who did you give that power to? and why?

Was it your best friend since the sandbox who could do no wrong?

Was it your brother or sister who said "I got you no matter what. Blood over everything?"

Was it your parents who said "Baby, there is no place like home?" Sadly, after the divorce it wasn't much of a home to come back to. (Another blog for that one...let me keep writing!) No shade it's just a little cooler around this topic.

Any who, do you now see all the similarities with these individuals?

I hope that you caught on by now...If not you will!

All of these folks right here are very close to you and usually feel like you owe them something in the first place. Yup! Your great-aunt who used to watch you when you were 2 years old wants her piece of the pie too.

Mane listen! DO NOT be shocked when all of a sudden you end up with a few extra cousins at the next reunion. Just watch and see...

Now, if they don't get to you first and start with the hire me because you know I need it. Those don't trust no one but family quotes will start to settle in too. Your friends will surely be next. Luckily I switched schools a lot growing up so this area kinda get's skipped over a bit. Just a little.

I have been blessed to find some rare gems as I've gotten older though. What would I do without them.

Again, this is still someone you trusted and expected to be there right? Well honey these days a friend has so many faces and character attributes I cannot begin to keep up.

They said "I got it, don't worry about it". Easily said by the person who quit their job and now rely on you for everything. Yet you still can't expect them to get it right.

You are probably nodding your head right now saying "Why did I give so much power away in the first place?".

I know, trust I know all too well about family & friend woes! Just use better judgement next time...if there is a next time lol. Yes, that was shade no palm trees needed.

We still have one area to address though and this one is the reality check that we all hate to face.

Your Job of current career path.

Some of you may have some pretty amazing job's. While some of you can give 2...never mind. You get the point.

If you are still curious as to why your job is on a list of expectations and how you have given them soooo much power. Sit back and keep reading.

Expectation number one: You expect them to pay you for all of your time worked. Now we all piss and take shits' on break however those should be included. Even trade for some Ha!

Of course if they forget to do so or mess up that check you will be raising all kinds of ruckus wont'cha? That is the trade for financial power over your life. For you to be paid a minimum wage that is determined by the executives who probably have never even seen your working conditions. Now let's not forget us desk folk...we may make more money. The trade is we pay more in taxes and usually most employees are lucky if they get a 3% cost of living raise. Meanwhile, the current rate of inflation is constantly rising. Basically you got offered enough to say yes and given enough so that you won't walk away.

Expectation number two: Office decay & fryer talk. You have to be engaged. No seriously you do or you'll get known as the office weirdo. Keep sitting there with your headphones on and watch.

There is probably a great chance that someone thinks your weird at work. Yep it's true. Especially if you believe in yourself and haven't conformed to the ways of what they call culture.

Trust me. I miss my PJ's, King sized bed and pillows daily! Regardless of the B.S. issacheck and I still need it.

STOP!!! Listen to what I just said! I need it!

Which means that I have no other choice but to sit in 2 hours of traffic each day, get dressed and forget that reality doesn't exist for 8hrs. Yep, the good all-American dream. Get a job and that is it. NOPE...wrong again.

In today's society the average 9-5'r has some form of a secondary income. MLM, a passion that came to life or a hustle that probably can't be written about. Unless tequila is evolved. If you do not have an additional income source then you are already behind.

I know, someone told ya all you got to do is work! Then they will take care of you.

Well the "They" that you speak of doesn't live on a farm anymore. They riding learjet's, Bentley's and shipping jobs overseas. So yes, this is the true example and the most painful to realize when it comes to power shifting.

You gave this company all these years and for what? They don't even offer pension anymore and they tell you to fund your retirement with 401k! Powerless is probably how you feel right now.

No need to be because if you're ready this there is hope.

First, thing that you need to realize is that it's just a check.

Second, You now have the knowledge and power to change your life.

I have broken down some of the most toxic situations that could be hindering you from moving forward. Now what will you do with this information?

If you are tired of the ways things are going in your life and you are fed up! Will you have the balls to say that I want all of my power back?

If so, deposit that reality check and cash in on your ideas and dreams.


ORIGINAL POST: August 9, 2017

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There you go telling me NO AGAIN! Ugh...